PNR Converter

Converting Itineraries for Galileo, Smartpoint, Worldspan, Amadeus & Sabre GDS

carbon neutral

The Clearest Free Flight itinerary Converter on the Web

What Is PNR Converter?

PNR Converter is a free tool specifically designed for travel agents who're sick of wasting their valuable time converting the raw output of their GDS, be it Sabre, Amadeus, Galileo or Smartpoint to anything resembling a readable format. With PNR Converter you can create beautiful, customer friendly flight itineraries with the click of a button. Not only is PNR converter the most advanced, flexible way to convert PNRs anywhere on the web, it's also completely free!

Copy and paste content directly from your GDS into PNR Converter and in seconds it will decoded, creating a fully customisable, customer friendly itinerary that can be sent to Outlook or Mail, or copied to clipboard with the click of a button.

With the ability customise your results to show flight duration, flight distance, cabin and the airline name, PNR converter gives you the best flight itinerary converter on the web. We regularly update our database to ensure that all information is up to date and acurate. On top of this we have carefully formatted each airport name to display in a clear, customer friendly format

With PNR Converter you can decode this...

2 NZ 456 H 26OCT 5 WLGAKL HK1 1945 2050 26OCT E NZ/W268NH 
3 NZ 002 W 26OCT 5 AKLLAX HK1 2250 1500 26OCT E NZ/W268NH
4 CM 362 T 26OCT 5 LAXPTY HK1 2200 0637 27OCT E CM/BIDQUI
5 CM 472 T 03NOV 6 PTYLAX HK1 1229 1735 03NOV E CM/BIDQUI
6 NZ 005 W 03NOV 6 LAXAKL HK1 2240 0730 05NOV E NZ/W268NH
7 NZ 413 H 05NOV 1 AKLWLG HK1 0900 1005 05NOV E NZ/W268NH

...into this...

email version of PNR converter output

...or this...

email version of PNR converter table output
Double Click Here to Select All

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